A Day in the Life of an X-ray/Neutron Scientist Jisheng Ma is a diffractionist at the Monash X-ray Platform. He applies a wide range of X-ray techniques to materials, energy, earth sciences, and more!
Matthew Rowles is an X-ray Diffraction and Scattering Facility Leader at the John de Laeter Centre, Curtin University, who just LOVES doing diffraction!
Mark Pearce is a research scientist at CSIRO, using microanalysis of rocks to explain how and why mineral deposits form!
Anita D'Angelo is a diffraction scientist at CSIRO, using X-rays to understand minerals and help industries improve their processing abilities.
Nathan Webster is our current AXAA President, Team Leader (XRD) and Senior Researcher at CSIRO. He talks us through a day in his research lab, and how he got there.
Meet Connor Turvey, AXAA-2017 Bursary Recipient and PhD candidate at Monash University, who uses X-rays to study carbon trapping and storage in minerals.
Meet Vanessa Peterson, Principal Research & Neutron Instrument Scientist at ANSTO, who uses X-rays and neutrons to characterise materials at an atomic scale.
Meet Khay Fong, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, working on improving drug delivery.
Meet Talitha Santini, Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland using X-rays to study soils and the environment.
Meet Marek Rouillon, PhD candidate at Macquarie University investigating environmental applications of portable XRF.
Meet Joel O'Dwyer, recipient of the 2014 AXAA Award for Excellence in Analysis by an Early Career Scientist.
The AXAA committee are currently seeking new entries for our Day in the Life of an X-ray Scientist series. If you would like to participate, or nominate someone, please contact Liam Tan.