Australian X-Ray Facilities and Capabilities
We have collated a directory of X-ray facilities and capabilities around Australia. Below you will find information about techniques available and modes of access organised by state. If you would like to see your facility included or updates to the entry, please contact us at [email protected].
Contact: Dr. Anders Barlow, [email protected]
- Powder XRD - Bruker D8 Advance
- Ni-filtered Cu Kα radiation
- Capable of collecting data from ~1° to 160° 2θ
- It is fitted with an automatic sample changer, allowing for easy data collection of up to 30 samples
- Flexible sample mounting of powders and solids including zero background sample holders for measuring very small samples, and front and backloading sample holders for powders or flat solids
- Bruker S2 PUMA uXRF
- Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
- XY Autochanger the instrument is capable of autonomous analysis of up to 20 samples
XtaLAB Synergy-S
- D8 Advance
- D8 Discover
- D8 Advance ECO
- D8 Advance ECO
- D2 Phaser
- N8 Horizon (300W Cu micro-focus beam, Vantec-500 2D detector)
- NanoSTAR II (5.4 kW Rotating Anode Cu, Vantec-2000 2D detector)
Contact: Mr Frank Antolasic, [email protected]
- D8 Advance
- D8 Discover
- D4 Endervor
S4 Pioneer
NanoStar Small Angle X-ray Scattering instrument
Apex Duo Single crystal XRD instrument
Contact: A/Prof Peter Lynch, [email protected]
- X'pert Powder
- D5000
Olympus DELTA Handheld XRF Analyzer
Contact: Microanalytical and Microfabrication Facility
- D2 Phaser
- D8 Advance
Contact: Anya Yago, [email protected]
- D8 Advance
- SmartLab Cu
- SmartLab SE
Xenocs Xeuss 2.0 SAXS
- Rigaku Synergy-S PhotonJet-S Mo/Ag Pilatus3 CdTe
- D8 Ventuer Mo/Ag APEX3
- D8 Advance
- SmartLab
- SmartLab
S8 Tiger WD-XRF (GEO-Quant Advanced, Metal-Quant, Petro-Quant, Quant-Express) 75x sample changer
D8 Ventuer Mo/Ag APEX3
Contact: [email protected], Professor Evan Gray, [email protected]
- D8 Advance ECO
- Empyrean
Contact: Shane Askew, [email protected], Jen Whan, [email protected]
S4 Pioneer WD-XRF 108x sample changer
New South Wales
Contact: Dr. Yu Wang, [email protected], Dr. Rouming Tian, [email protected], Dr. Christopher Marjo, [email protected]
- Empyrean
- Empyrean
- Empyrean
- Aries
- D8 Discover
- Smartlab
- M4 Tornado micro-XRF mapping
- Epsilon ED-XRF
- D8 Kappa Apex (Mo)
- D8 Quest (Mo)
Contact: Dr. Samuel Duyker, [email protected]
- SmartLab SE
- X'Pert Powder
- X'Pert Pro MPD
- STOE Stadi P
- GBA Mini-Materials Analyser
- Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy (Cu, Ag)
- Rigaku SuperNova (Cu, Mo)
- Rigaku MicroMax007HF
- Bruker ApexII
Contact: Mark Lockrey, [email protected]
D8 Discover
Contact: Dr Richard Wuhrer, [email protected], Dr Daniel Fanna, [email protected]
D8 Advance
Malvern Panalytical Epsilon 1 ED-XRF
Oxford Gemini
Contact: Dr. Lloyd White, [email protected]
Equinox 1000
Spectro XEPOS ED-XRF (12x sample changer)
Contact: Russell Field, [email protected]
- Terra
- Epsilon 3 XL (10x sample changer)
- Epsilon 3 & MiniPal 2 Mo 12x sample changer
- S2 Picofox Mo TXRF
- Olympus x3 (Rh, Ta, Au)
Contact: Dr Mark Rosicky, [email protected]
D4 Endervor
university of newcastle
Contact: Nathan Smith, [email protected]
MRD Cu/ MPD Co Mirror+monochromator
Australian Capital Territory
Contact: Dr. Vivian Xiao, [email protected]
Empyrean Series 3
Avaatech Scanning Micro-XRF (Mapping from Mg to U)
- Agilent Xcalibur
- Agilent SuperNova
- MaruX 345DTB
Western Australia
Contact: Andrew Johnson, [email protected]
Gemini Xcalibur S
Contact: Veronica Avery, [email protected], A/Prof William Rickard, [email protected]
- D8 Advance
- D8 Discover
- Equinox 5000
NanoStar Metaljet
South Australia
Contact: Prof Christopher Sumby, [email protected]
- D4 Endervor
- D8 Advance
- Xcalibur S Mo
- Rigaku Hiflux Cu rotating anode
Contact: Dr Alexander Sibley, [email protected], Professor Sarah Harmer, [email protected]
D8 Advance ECO
Contact: [email protected]
D2 Phaser